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User Question: I am a single mom. I have a 7-year-old boy. I applied for asylum in 2023. Someone told me to file SIJS for my son. Will it be a wise decision? Should I apply this for my son or should I wait until my asylum decision? Please experts give me ideas?


Expert Answer: Applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) for your son could be a good option, as it provides a pathway to lawful permanent residency (a Green Card) for children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by one or both parents. Since SIJS is separate from your asylum case, applying now could potentially offer him immigration relief sooner, regardless of your asylum outcome. However, SIJS requires a state family or juvenile court order before applying with USCIS, and it may not provide immediate benefits such as work authorization. Consulting an immigration attorney to assess your specific situation and determine eligibility would be the best course of action.

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