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User Question: If I entered through an airport with a transit visa and went straight to the immigration officers in the airport and claimed asylum, was detained, and paroled into the US, is it considered legal or illegal entry? Any news about asylum that applied inside the USA under the new admin? What to expect?


Expert Answer: If you entered the U.S. on a transit visa and presented yourself to immigration officers to claim asylum, your entry is generally considered lawful. Being paroled into the U.S. means that you were legally allowed to enter, even if you were detained first. However, parole is not the same as being admitted on a visa, which could impact certain immigration benefits later.

As for changes under the new administration, there have been ongoing policy shifts that may affect asylum seekers, including expedited processing for certain cases and stricter review of asylum applications. It is advisable to stay updated on policy changes and consult with an immigration attorney for case-specific guidance.

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